Corridors of Heaven

Yes, 2023 is almost over and this is my first post of the year. I had something in mind as a coincidental follow up to the previous post but that will have to wait till ’24. What I will say is that this year has been a crazy ride. With the glass half full as ever, the experiences of this year has led to me pursing a long term goal of mine: to have an art exhibition. So let me (briefly) introduce you to the Corridors of Heaven.

The exhibition would be a multi-sensory exploration of love and faith, which I believe are one and the same. Inspired by personal experiences and reflections, I would showcase God’s omnipresence and how He is interwoven in our deepest emotion: love.

I don’t want to share all of the pieces for the exhibition here because I’d rather show them in person and then perhaps online for anyone who couldn’t attend (irl then url). Some of the pieces have been sprinkled into my Instagram posts/Stories but I’ve never explained what they mean. Here’s a few of the inspirations:

My pursuit so far has involved contacting art spaces and exploring submissions/open calls. If you know of a space that would be a good fit, don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can reach me via email and Instagram DM – / . I could also run this as an independent show by renting a space and planning an event, but I’d prefer to keep that as option B. If you would be interested in assisting with this, I’d also love to speak to you!

If you decide to chase a dream, good luck 世界。

此致敬礼,欣妍 – From Nabeela 💘